Jerry Briardy

"Art for arts sake."

Hi, welcome to my web page.

As you can see I am an artist and I do hope you will stay a while and look at the work.
This site is mostly paintings but I have been doing some interesting things with the computer also.
Well I don't want to bore you with all that. If you want to see more of my work I encourage you to go to
I do hope you take the time to go there. There are free e-cards that I illustrated and lots to see and do.
Here is a link to my

Miniature paintings
Eclectic pictures
computer art page
"Artists I like"
response form
Some paintings from 1998
My slideshow

If you would like to see these images in greater detail just click on the image.

"Life" "Springtime" "Horsethief lake" "Gods swimming pool" "Adam and Eve" "Summertime" "Italian Prison" "Goldfish" "There are seven universes" Back to the top of the page.

A short biography
On to the commentary page These paintings are mostly acrylic and watercolor but I also have a computer art page I do appreciate comments and or criticism. you can e-mail me at Or if you prefer you can go to the response form and let me know how you feel.

Here are Some paintings from 1998, most of them I did while riding my bicycle to the Black hills.
Sometimes I have a hard time thinking of names for pictures let alone unrelated groups of pictures so I call this page

Eclectic pictures

There aren't any different paintings in my slideshow but I used a cool Javascript program that I think you will like. I had to resize all the pictures though so it would work.
If you would like to see another web site that I designed go to greasydog_2000
here is a link to my guestbook.
Here are some new pictures. 486 paintbrush pictures Also another one I did is at leroyjones_2001 there are pictures of my family on both of them.
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